Fly Smart
Bombardier’s Smart Services programs allow you to choose the coverage that is right for you. Begin by enrolling in a Smart Services Program such as Smart Parts Plus or Smart Parts Preferred, then select additional coverage options based on your specific needs.
Benefits of the Bombardier Smart Services Program:
- Bombardier 24/7 Worldwide Support
- Peace of mind with a guaranteed flight-hour rate with our Smart Parts Preferred program
- Cost coverage to Repair, Replace or Overhaul a wide range of aircraft parts and systems backed by OEM genuine parts.
Step 1 – Enroll in Smart Parts

Customers first enroll in their chosen Smart Services Program, such as Smart Parts Preferred, which provides comprehensive coverage and cost protection on a wide range of aircraft parts and systems. Examples of coverage include:
- Avionic components
- Brakes and tires
- Windshields
- Electrical, hydraulic and flight control system components
- Bombardier alert and recommended service bulletin kits and components
Step 2 - Add additional coverage options

Landing Gear Overhaul
The Landing Gear Overhaul option provides cost coverage for the complete overhaul of landing gear assemblies and actuators when work is completed or facilitated by Bombardier. Key coverage includes:
- All landing gear components, including main fittings and axles
- Corrosion
- Landing gear actuators
- Overhaul labour
- Removal and re-installation on aircraft
- Shipping of landing gear is covered to/from repair/overhaul visit***

Cabin System Components
Our Cabin System Components option provides cost coverage for cabin system components related to the following systems*:
- Cabin communication
- Audio/video monitors
- Interior and emergency lighting
- Water and lavatory systems
- Passenger oxygen system

Scheduled Labour
From minor inspections to major checks, this option provides cost coverage for scheduled labour associated to performing inspection tasks as per Time Limits Maintenance Checks (TLMC) and Supplemental Time Limits Maintenance Checks** (STLMC).

Unscheduled Labour
This option provides cost coverage for labour required to remove and install components when related to normal operations, covered under the Smart Parts Preferred program and the additional coverage option chosen (e.g. cabin systems).

APU Coverage
This option provides comprehensive cost coverage for the Global 7500 APU. It includes:
- Parts and Labour for APU maintenance including overhaul
- Line Replaceable Units (LRU) services
- Scheduled Life Limited Part (LLP) exchange or replacement
- Alert and recommended service bulletin incorporation coverage (material & labour)
- Shipping of APU is covered to/from repair/overhaul visit***
View our Smart Services brochure.
Bombardier Smart Services Brochure
Subject to the terms and conditions of customer contract. Not available to all Programs.
* Interior cabin systems coverage applies to Bombardier completions.
** Scheduled labour excludes customer discretionary optional tasks.
*** If such optional APU and/or Landing Gear options are selected. Certain conditions of the relevant Smart Services agreement apply.